Oculus Support

The original, free Ace of Spades game powered by the Voxlap engine. Known as “Classic,” 0.75, 0.76, and all 0.x versions. Created by Ben Aksoy.
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Hello buildandshoots. How about it? Can it happen? Will it happen? Should it happen?

It looks like it's possible. I don't know much about the differences between oculus and standart screen rendering, but Voxlap can draw 2 pictures with slightly different camera spots without problems. Though, considering from how Voxlap renders things, it's very very likely to make you sick after a short time, especially with drunk cam. But I think it can be fixed. If Voxlap runs fast enough and gets a few changes, it will work 10/10 without making you sick.

Not sure if that will happen tho', mainly depends on how BnS will continue.

But imho, VoxieBox has more future, especially for voxel games. Oculus makes you such a frickin nerd, and is pretty wierd. VoxieBox doesn't need any 3D stuff to actually be "rendered" (maybe only the KV6), so it's tons of times faster. And it's ACTUAL 3D, not just some simulation.
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QuantumWraith wrote:
Hello buildandshoots. How about it? Can it happen? Will it happen? Should it happen?
Try to ask yvt if he could put Oculus support in OpenSpades.
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