What I think should happen

The original, free Ace of Spades game powered by the Voxlap engine. Known as “Classic,” 0.75, 0.76, and all 0.x versions. Created by Ben Aksoy.
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What do you think of my ideas?

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So This is more of a suggestion I have been playing back when it was not sold to god forbid jagex. And now I wonder which one is actually better The god forbid jagex that always updates or us the small community that barely updates our game. Now I appreciate all the modders who make packs and stuff so thank you for making it a little more interesting. So what I'm saying is we need to add some more maps and get more people interested in other maps not always hallway.( I'm not saying hallway is bad just it gets old when their are 5 fully packed hallways and 2 other maps with. 4 people in). I understand if we cannot add more guns or stuff because jagex baught it and that's bad so we can't update. But if we are a able to update and bring out more guns I don't understand how the fuck we are supposed stay as some competion (that's atleast how I see it). Some more things I would personally like to see are these:
More maps
More advertisement to new game modes
Buyable ranks to pay for coding etc. ranks give you guns or double exp (I'll get to that later.)
Mabye ranking up like prestigious kind of thing. (Preferably not just like cod.)exp for ranking up these ranks
The ranks would determine who has the most kills and who is the better players. And just it would make it so that they have a point to play.

Also I would like to encourage You to go ahead to my youtube cowmanpvp thanks...

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Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:58 am

1.0 gets updated often? Am I living in a dream?
No, matey, you got it wrong, both 1.0 and Classic haven't been updated since ages. They died, and so are we. Some of the community members is now pushing for a new client called VoxelWar, I suggest you to search and check it out (too lazy to give links).
Besides, your 'ranks' are horrible. And it's impossible.

CowmanPrestige wrote:
The ranks would determine who has the most kills and who is the better players.
Wrong game kid, this isn't CoD.
Deuced Up
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unlike the rest of you guy,s I'll be nice and point him at the VXW forums, which googlebot has yet to spider.
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